Welcome. What an exciting year this has been! We have continued our collaborative effort to conduct impactful research and education of our members as well as the medical community worldwide. There has been increasing interest in joining ARCO. This is likely a reflection of our increased visibility in medical journals as well as our collaborations that we are establishing while conducting our research projects. To date, there have been 23 publications listed in PUBMED in 2021 that have ARCO in the title or in the abstract with more articles that report using the ARCO Staging System.
Invitation to Biennial Meeting
The next ARCO meeting will be held on
August 25-27, 2022, in Seoul in South Korea.
Board News
The ARCO Board met on October 2nd using the Zoom platform. At the end of the meeting, the new Board members were officially :
President: Shin-Yoon Kim, M.D.
President-Elect: Nobuhiko Sugano, M.D.
First Past-President: Quanjun Cui, M.D.
Secretary-Treasurer: Stuart Goodman, M.D., Ph.D.
Vice-President – Asia: Yong-Chan Ha, M.D.
Vice-President – China: Dewei Zhao, M.D., Ph.D.
Vice-President – Europe: Philippe Hernigou, M.D.
Vice-President – Japan: Takashi Sakai, M.D., Ph.D.
Vice-President – North America: Stuart Goodman, M.D., Ph.D.
Executive Director: Lynne Jones, Ph.D.
Committees: The Board discussed the formation of committees to oversee the various activities of ARCO and to engage more of our membership. They concluded that committees were a good idea and will determine how to formalize this structure within the coming months.
Awards: Quanjun Cui, M.D., proposed that a new award be created entitled “Lifetime Achievement Award”. The Board unanimously agreed to the establishment of the award. Dr. Cui also proposed two ARCO members to be recognized as the inaugural recipients of this award: Kyung-Ho Koo, M.D. and Lynne Jones, Ph.D. The nominations received unanimous approval.
Kyung-Hoi Koo, MD Lynne C. Jones, PhD
Projects and Publications
We would like to highlight two on-going projects that are being conducted by our members.
- Spearheaded by Dr. Edward Cheng, the board and the working group continue to develop evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for osteonecrosis of the femoral head. The goal is to develop evidence-based clinical practice guidelines to provide more structure and uniformity to management of osteonecrosis patients. For more information, please go to:
- Under the direction of Drs. Kyung-Hoi Koo and Quanjun Cui, the goal of this project was to develop a reliable and valid classification for early-stage (pre-collapse) osteonecrosis of the femoral head (ONFH). Using CT images, they compared the reliability and validity of four classification systems: (Steinberg, modified Kerboul, Japanese Investigation Committee, the newly developed ARCO system). The manuscript is in final preparation for submission by the end of this year.
The dues notice for 2022 is appended to this newsletter. Please go to our website at and submit payment for your dues. We have maintained dues at the 2021 level. We also ask that you complete the attached membership form and submit to Lynne Jones, Ph.D. ( so that we can maintain your current contact information.
We would like to update you regarding the ongoing activities of ARCO during the past year and inform you of what will be happening going forward. We are excited to say that the COVID pandemic actually stimulated us to work together in ways that we have not utilized previously. We have been able to use ZOOM meetings to engage our members internationally. We have worked on several projects with different individuals taking the lead role to guide the process. We believe that this provides us with a strategic map for increasing our collaborations and our impact on the medical community.
Our last International Meeting was held in the beautiful seaside city of Dalian, China. Hosted by Dewei Zhao, MD, PhD, the meeting provided a comprehensive overview of our current understanding of the natural history and treatment of osteonecrosis as was an opportunity to see what is currently being studied throughout the world. We had hoped to follow this with a meeting in Seoul, Republic of Korea in May 2021. However, the COVID pandemic prevented us from moving forward. Our team in Korea – including Doctors Shin-Yoon Kim, Yong-Chan Ha, and Kyung-Hoi Koo – have begun planning for a meeting to be held in September of 2022 in Seoul, Korea. Stay tuned for more information as the plans become finalized. We look forward to another outstanding meeting!
ARCO Website
The new website is now up and running! Our Society’s website has been a work in progress over the past year. We contracted with a website design and hosting firm to provide us with a new site infrastructure based on WordPress Content Management System which will allow us to update information on the website more easily and without going through a web designer for each update. We will continue to update the website with news of our impending meeting in Korea, new ARCO-sponsored journal articles as they are published, and other news from the Board to our members.
Projects and Publications
While COVID may have prevented us from meeting together in one location, it certainly did not dampen our enthusiasm to work together. This effort has resulted in seven journal publications since January of
2020 – quite an accomplishment! These articles involved Delphi Surveys, Task Forces, and other Collaborative Groups within our membership to address etiologic classification criteria for glucocorticoid- and alcohol- associated osteonecrosis, develop the 2019 ARCO Staging System for Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head, and set the framework for developing evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. Another manuscript about to be submitted for publication addresses a new classification system regarding size of the osteonecrotic lesion using CT imaging. The following is a listing of the current publications.
- Hines JT, Jo WL, Cui Q, Mont MA, Koo KH, Cheng EY, Goodman SB, Ha YC, Hernigou P, Jones LC, Kim SY, Sakai T, Sugano N, Yamamoto T, Lee MS, Zhao D, Drescher W, Kim TY, Lee YK, Yoon BH, Baek SH, Ando W, Kim HS, Park JW. Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head: an Updated Review of ARCO on Pathogenesis, Staging and Treatment. J Korean Med Sci. 2021 Jun 21;36(24):e177. PMID: 34155839
- Cheng EY, Cui Q, Goodman SB, Ando W, Baek SH, Bakker C, Drescher W, Hernigou P, Jones LC, Kim H, Kim SY, Kim TY, Ha YC, Koo KH, Lee MS, Mont MA, Reichert I, Sakai T, Salem HS, Sierra RJ,
- Stronach B, Sugano N, Yamamoto T, Yoon BH, Zhao D. Diagnosis and Treatment of Femoral Head Osteonecrosis: A Protocol for Development of Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines. Surg Technol Int. 2021 May 27;38:sti38/1437. [Online ahead of print.] PMID: 34043232
- Cui Q, Jo WL, Koo KH, Cheng EY, Drescher W, Goodman SB, Ha YC, Hernigou P, Jones LC, Kim SY, Lee KS, Lee MS, Lee YJ, Mont MA, Sugano N, Taliaferro J, Yamamoto T, Zhao D. ARCO Consensus on the Pathogenesis of Non-traumatic Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head. J Korean Med Sci. 2021 Mar 15;36(10):e65. PMID: 33724736
- Zhao D, Zhang F, Wang B, Liu B, Li L, Kim SY, Goodman SB, Hernigou P, Cui Q, Lineaweaver WC, Xu J, Drescher WR, Qin L. Guidelines for clinical diagnosis and treatment of osteonecrosis of the femoral head in adults (2019 version). J Orthop Translat. 2020 Jan 6;21:100-110. PMID: 32309135
- Yoon BH, Mont MA, Koo KH, Chen CH, Cheng EY, Cui Q, Drescher W, Gangji V, Goodman SB, Ha YC, Hernigou P, Hungerford MW, Iorio R, Jo WL, Jones LC, Khanduja V, Kim HKW, Kim SY, Kim TY, Lee HY, Lee MS, Lee YK, Lee YJ, Nakamura J, Parvizi J, Sakai T, Sugano N, Takao M, Yamamoto T, Zhao DW. The 2019 Revised Version of Association Research Circulation Osseous Staging System of Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head. J Arthroplasty. 2020 Apr;35(4):933-940. PMID: 31866252
- Yoon BH, Jones LC, Chen CH, Cheng EY, Cui Q, Drescher W, Fukushima W, Gangji V, Goodman SB, Ha YC, Hernigou P, Hungerford M, Iorio R, Jo WL, Khanduja V, Kim H, Kim SY, Kim TY, Lee HY, Lee MS, Lee YK, Lee YJ, Mont MA, Sakai T, Sugano N, Takao M, Yamamoto T, Koo KH. Etiologic Classification Criteria of ARCO on Femoral Head Osteonecrosis Part 2: Alcohol-Associated Osteonecrosis. J Arthroplasty. 2019 Jan;34(1):169-174.e1. PMID: 30348559
- Yoon BH, Jones LC, Chen CH, Cheng EY, Cui Q, Drescher W, Fukushima W, Gangji V, Goodman SB, Ha YC, Hernigou P, Hungerford M, Iorio R, Jo WL, Khanduja V, Kim H, Kim SY, Kim TY, Lee HY, Lee MS, Lee YK, Lee YJ, Mont MA, Sakai T, Sugano N, Takao M, Yamamoto T, Koo KH. Etiologic Classification Criteria of ARCO on Femoral Head Osteonecrosis Part 1: Glucocorticoid-Associated Osteonecrosis. J Arthroplasty. 2019 Jan;34(1):163-168.e1. PMID: 30348552
ARCO operates on a limited budget and is dependent on member dues in order to operate. We ask that you please complete the attached form so that we can maintain your current contact information. In addition, please go to our website at www.arco– and submit payment for this year’s dues (January-December, 2021), if you have not already done so. We have maintained the dues at the 2020 level ($200).
2020 ARCO Newsletter-President's Message
Dear ARCO members/friends:
Hope this message finds you well and healthy. 2020 has been a year of tremendous challenge due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, you have not wavered in your commitment to support and contribute to ARCO while continuing to provide the highest standard of orthopaedic care to your patients in a safe, ethical, and effective manner. Thank you for being a part of this remarkable ARCO family.
Members’ safety is the top priority of the Board. After careful discussion and planning, the ARCO board decided that the planned ARCO biennial meeting in Korea, in May 2021, will be postponed to 2022 due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and recent surge of infected cases. The new meeting dates and agenda will be emailed to all members as soon as it is available. We are planning to organize small virtual meetings in 2021 to discuss ongoing ARCO research projects and recent advances in diagnosis and treatment of osteonecrosis.
Spearheaded by Dr. Edward Cheng, the first past president of ARCO, the board and the working group continue to develop evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for osteonecrosis of the femoral head. For more information, please go to:
The other project, prognostic value of size and location of osteonecrosis, let by Drs. Kyung-Hoi Koo and Quanjun Cui, is going well. Evaluation of radiographic images and data analysis are done. The manuscript is in preparation.
As you may already know, the membership online payment link is working and many of our members had paid their membership dues using the link at the ARCO web page ( Thanks to Dr. Lynne Jones for her tireless efforts with many phone calls and negotiations to get it done! We will continue to work with our current web management company to improve the web site and make it more user friendly.
We understand that working together as a team is the key to success. As the elected President of ARCO, I promise to work hard on our members’ behalf and interests. We will continue working with our members to encourage, coordinate and undertake clinical and basic research in the field of bone circulation and osteonecrosis, to initiate and keep an international dialogue alive among experts in the field of bone circulation and osteonecrosis.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family health and peace during this unprecedent time and a bright new year full of hope, love and prosperity.
Quanjun Cui, MD

2019 ARCO Newsletter

The ARCO Board of Directors would like to thank everyone who attended the ARCO 2019 Biennial Conference that was held at Dalian International Conference Center, Dalian, China from May 2-5, 2019. The Conference was a huge success with over 250 attendees and more than 200 presentations and posters. We hope that everyone enjoyed the presidential guest lectures, plenaries, poster sessions and network receptions. We especially want to thank our keynote speakers, moderators, speakers and poster presenters.
ARCO recognizes the significant contributions of Chinese colleagues to the field of bone circulation and osteonecrosis, and one of our goals in our strategic plan was to increase our membership from China. Therefore, the 2019 Biennial Conference was the first time being held in mainland of China, organized by our Vice President of ARCO – Dr. Dewei Zhao, who indeed was a great host and provided all needed help to make the conference run smoothly and successfully. Thanks to Dr. Zhao and his team!
At the meeting, the new ARCO board members were elected:
- President: Edward Cheng, MD
- President-elect: Quanjun Cui, MD
- First Past President: Wolf Drescher, MD, PhD
- Secretary-Treasurer: Shin-Yoon Kim, MD
- Vice-President-Asia: Yong-Chan Ha, MD
- Vice-President-China: Dewei Zhao, MD
- Vice-President-Europe: Philippe Hernigou, MD
- Vice-President-Japan: Nobuhiko Sugano, MD
- Vice-President-USA: Stuart B. Goodman, MD, PhD
- Executive Director: Lynne Jones, PhD
The next ARCO biennial meeting will be held in Korea in 2021. We will look forward to seeing you all there. For more information, please visit: